Test Equipment for Traffic Signal Control Systems

Athens Technical Specialists, Inc. 

ASPT 5300

ATCC Switch Pack Tester

The CMU and the HDSP both perform critical roles in the ATC Cabinet monitoring system.

Unless the CMU receives accurate voltage and current data from each HDSP, it will not be able to properly detect an unsafe condition. Therefore, it is essential for a testing program to include both devices.

The ASPT-5300 ATC Cabinet Switch Pack Tester (HV) will run a series of comprehensive tests on the Model 2202-HV HDSP/FU. The Model 2202-HV HDSP/FU is an important component in the ATC Cabinet Monitoring System.
The Model 2202-HV HDSP/FU not only provides field output drivers, but also monitors the voltage and current for each of the field outputs. These voltage and current measurements are reported back to the Cabinet Monitor Unit (CMU) over a serial bus connection. The role of the CMU is to transfer the cabinet to a flashing control mode if an unsafe condition is detected. In order for the CMU to reliably detect unsafe conditions, it is critical that the voltage and current measurements reported by the Model 2202-HV HDSP/FU are accurate. The ATC Cabinet Standard (ATC 5301) requires that the voltage and current measurements be accurate to ± 2% regardless of phase or wave-shape. The only way to ensure that each unit meets these requirements is through periodic testing.

The ASPT-5300 will run a series of tests on the Model 2202-HV HDSP/FU.

The following functions will be tested to ensure compliance with the ATC Cabinet Standard (ATC 5301).
● Proper functioning of Serial Bus #3
● Proper functioning in switch pack mode and flasher mode
● Output operation
● Accurate voltage and current measurement (± 2%, ref: ATC-5301,,

● Test Manager Software Application for Desktop PC, Laptop, Tablets and Smartphones
● Compatible with USB or wireless connection
● Optional barcode scanning for fast entering of device serial numbers